Tuesday, 9 August 2016

new objects on the website

Finally I put up most of the new objects here.
A lot of new naked-raku-fired forms and 2 raku-fired objects.
Look at them here: http://www.simon-hof.com/Organic_Forms.html
Some will get better fotos when they return from the exhibition in Speyer, Germany.
Endlich sind meine neuen Objekte hier auf der website zu sehen.
Mehrere Nackt-Raku- und 2 Raku-Objekte.

Hier findet man sie: http://www.simon-hof.de/Organische_Formen.html
Wenn die Ausstellung in Speyer zu Ende ist gibt es noch bessere Fotos. Jetzt mußte ich mich teilweise mit Ausschnitten aus Ausstellungfotos behelfen.
Am Donnerstag den 06.09.2018 um 19 Uhr eroeffnet die Ausstellung "Fliessende Keramik" im Kuenstlerbahnhof in Bad Muenster am Stein / Ebernburg.

Zwischen Freitag 07.September und So. 30.September ist die Ausstellung von Do-So zwischen 15 und 17 Uhr geoeffnet.

new light objects

2 new light objects. Just ready, still have to be fired, thats why the color is so light and monochrome. For the foot I still have to choose and decide what to use: ceramics, metal, wood; multicoloured, one colour, black, thick, thin; round or square?

Monday, 13 June 2016

Zwijndrecht "Tussen Kunst en Tuin" 18 juni

Volgende zaterdag sta ik in Zwijndrecht bij "tussen kunst en tuin".
Wie in de buurt woont komt kijken. Mooie tuinen en zo te hopen ook mooie kunst.
Rotterdamseweg 137, 3332 AE Zwijndrecht, Nederland.
10.30-17 uur
on saturday 18th june you can see me in Zwijndrecht  (adres above) in a garden/park surrounding.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Noch bis 17 Juni kann man die Ausstellung in Speyer besuchen, Wormser Straße 39 08:00–12:00Uhr, 13:30–16:00Uhr
Ausgestellt werden fast 30 Exponate aus den letzten 7 Jahren meines keramischen Schaffens.
Auch die Lichtobjekte sind im ersten Stock zu sehen.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Just got some fotos a visitor made from raku and naked raku firing 5 days ago.

a atmosheric impression of the terras and garden during the open atelier. You can still visit tomorrow from 11am to 5.30pm.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

new ceramics from yesterdays firing. raku and naked raku. still unwashed and unpolished.
To be seen the following weekend during "open atelier-KunstRonde" and from 18th of may until 17th of june in Speyer at the exhibition.

Friday, 29 April 2016

2 new ceramics, also ready for drying and firing.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

A new spiral object. 70 cm high.
I hope it will survive the firing well. It can be seen on 14-16 may with the open days here in Maarssen.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

On 14-16th of may my atelier and garden are open for a exposition during "KunstRonde". This is a open atelier route along the Vecht and the Plassen.
Every day I will display my art form 11 am to 17.30 pm at
Machinekade 25, 3601 AR Maarssen. 
There is parking space in front of the old pump station Machinekade 19.

There are also 2 expositions of all the artists, showing one piece each at:

Zuidereinde 122, 1243 KL ’s Graveland.
and an affordable art exposition at:

Molen ‘De Hoop’, Dorpsstraat 106, 3632 AWLoenen aan de Vecht.

Hope to see you there!